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Message for Families of Vance Elementary 5th Grade Students

Message for Families of Vance Elementary 5th Grade Students

Dear Families of 5th Grade Students at Vance, Brookwood, and Lake View Elementary Schools,

We are reaching out to you to let you know that Brookwood Middle School has been designated a Priority School, in accordance with the Alabama Accountability Act of 2015. This Act was created to provide school choice to students attending designated schools. The Act includes a provision for financial assistance through an income tax credit to a parent who transfers a student from a Priority School to another public or non-public school of the parent’s choice. You are receiving this information because your 5th grade student at Brookwood, Lake View, or Vance Elementary School should promote to grade 6 and attend Brookwood Middle School for the 2025-2026 school year.

Brookwood Middle was placed on the Priority School list because it received a grade of 68/D on the Alabama State Report Card for Schools. However, the designation of Priority School does not tell the entire story of a school or reflect the progress happening at Brookwood Middle.

Strategies are currently being implemented to ensure that students at Brookwood Middle receive the best education possible. The following strategies are currently in place at Brookwood Middle.

  • Brookwood Middle is implementing the TCSS Whole Child Framework, which emphasizes all aspects of a student’s well-being, to set them up for academic success. Nearly twenty percent of Brookwood Middle students missed 18 or more days of school last school year. This high absence rate factored significantly in Brookwood Middle receiving the Priority School designation. Through the Whole Child Framework, we’re focusing on the importance of school attendance and helping students and families improve attendance.
  • Brookwood Middle is putting in place strategies and activities, such as a student leadership team, to enhance the overall school culture.
  • Brookwood Middle has earned the distinction of State School of Character from, a national advocate for character development. State Schools of Character demonstrate a dedicated focus on character development, which has a positive effect on academic achievement, student behavior, and school climate.

Under the Alabama Accountability Act, we are required to notify you of the following options for the 2025-2026 school year:

  • Option 1: Your student may attend Brookwood Middle (for the upcoming school year) and continue to take advantage of the programs provided by the Tuscaloosa County Board of Education. If you choose this option, there is no action you are required to take. 
  • Option 2: Under the law, your student may transfer to a comparable school within the same school system, if the school you wish to transfer to is: not included on the annual list of Priority Schools, and has available space, and is willing to accept the student. With lack of space due to the number of students enrolled in our TCSS Middle Schools, Option 2 is not available in the Tuscaloosa County School System.
  • Option 3: If Option 2 is not available, your student may transfer to a comparable school in another local school system, that is not on the annual list of Priority Schools, has available space, and is willing to accept the student.
  • Option 4: Your student may transfer to a qualifying non-public school in Alabama that is willing to accept the student. 

Parent or guardians who elect to utilize the transfer process (Options 3 or 4) must complete the appropriate Student Transfer Form. The form is available by contacting Mr. John Howard, Brookwood Middle School Principal, or Mrs. Jackie Hudgins, TCSS Director of Accountability. Their contact information is listed below.

Mr. John Howard

Brookwood Middle School Principal

(205) 342-2748

Mrs. Jackie Hudgins

TCSS Director of Accountability

(205) 342-2739

The Student Transfer Form for the 2025-2026 School Year must be submitted to Mr. Howard or Mrs. Hudgins no later than March 1, 2025.

Finally, please be aware that this letter is an important tax document. Please retain a copy of it and the Student Transfer Form for preparation of your upcoming state income tax return. You will need to submit the Student Transfer Form with your state tax return to the Alabama Department of Revenue, if you request a tax credit pursuant to Alabama Act No. 2015-434 and Alabama Act 2023-418.

If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact Mr. John Howard or Mrs. Jackie Hudgins at the contact information listed above.


Dr. Keri C. Johnson

Superintendent, Tuscaloosa County School System